Arenas Where Robots Can Strut Their Stuff!

This part of the web contains details of arenas, some purchased, some constructed ourselves, in which Robots could exhibit the skills their students had taught them.

The Arenas had to meet three criteria.

1) They had to be as inexpensive as was reasonable - Schools don't have spare cash rattling around in their offices.

2) There were size limits - they had to be less than approximately 4 feet by 3 feet (120 cms. by 100 cms.) if the arena was flat, and less than approximately 6 feet (2 metres) if it was rolled up - otherwise they would not fit in my car as I travelled between the Schools at which I mentor.

3) They had to be simple to construct - I've just moved house and don't have access to any fancy tools.

It was also desirable that the arenas could be used for more than one Challenge - Schools were not always at the same stage of the courses, and arenas that could be re-used had the potential to reduce the number of arenas I was carting around at any one time.


Details of the arenas can be seen by clicking on the menu headings to the left. - Robot arena construction information - LEGO NXT MindStorms tutorial information.