Adding a Touch Sensor to LEGO NXT MindStorms Robot ClareBot.

How-To videos (1:58) Windows, Phone, iPad, iPhone, Fire, YouTube.

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Clarebot Touch Sensor Lego NXT MindStorms 

ClareBot Touch Sensor 4 Lego NXT MindStorms

ClareBot Touch Sensor 7    ClareBot Lego NXT 8

Using the Touch Sensor with ClareBot

One of the common things we want our robot to do when it finds an obstacle, is to back away, turn, and then go forwards again. Let us look at how we can tell our Robot to do this.

Going Forwards While Using The Touch Sensor

1A) We want our Robot to go forwards while using the Touch Sensor. [Video Big Small]

1B) How do we tell our Robot to go forwards while using the Touch Sensor? [Video Big Small]

1C)  What does our Robot do when we try out the 1B instructions? [Video Big Small]

Backing Off after Touching  an Obstacle.

2A) We want our Robot to go backwards after touching an obstacle. [Video Big Small]

2B) How do we tell our Robot to go backwards after touching an obstacle? [Video Big Small]

2C) What does our Robot do when we try out the 2B instructions? [Video Big Small]

Making a Turn On The Spot.

3A) We want our Robot to turn on the spot, away from the obstacle. [Video Big Small]

3B) How do we tell our Robot to turn on the spot? [Video Big Small]

3C) What does our Robot do when we try out the 3B instructions? [Video Big Small]

Bringing It All Together

4) Can Robots go around obstacle courses? [Video coming soon]


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